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When the opportunity arises, Animal Health Works aims to publish its scientific approaches and results.

In addition, some images and animations are uploaded to elicit the approach Animal Health Works takes to explain epidemiological concepts on disease control management. 

Second version of the PCP guidelines for Foot-and-Mouth Disease control 

The FAO/OIE/EuFMD FMD Working Group agreed on the second version of the PCP guidelines with a clear distinction between the GfTADs domain (PCP Stages 0 to 3) and OIE evaluation (PCP Stage 4 and OIE Statuses).


For details, click on image on the left.

For a copy of the PCP guidelines, click here

Technical notes on outbreak investigation for FMD

In these technical notes, the five objectives for outbreak investigation are explained, illustrated and examples of job-aids are given.

These principles may well be applied to any kind of animal disease outbreak investigation.

For some more details, click on image on the left.

For an Arabic version, click here

Self-assessment Tool for PCP-FMD

The FAO/OIE/EuFMD FMD Working Group agreed on the Self-assessment Tool for countries to assess their progress on FMD control. This tool will be soon made available.

For some information, click on image on the left.


EuFMD PCP Practitioner Network

The PCP Practitioner Network is to promote and extend the global use of the PCP-FMD

through supporting those that (want to make) use of the PCP-FMD. 

The Network provide one-month long sessions on PCP-relevant subjects such as 

  • Outbreak investigation

  • Sero surveys

  • Impact assessment

  • Risk identification

  • Investigation of apparent vaccine failure

  • Stakeholder identification and engagement

During the month, there are webinars by experts and practitioners, quizzes, self-test assignments, discussion forums, uploaded documentations and job-aids.

To access these materials, click here to view webinars and online presentations

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 146 (2017): 79-85

Livestock mortality and offtake in sheep and goat flocks of livestock owners making use of services offered by paravets in West Afghanistan

Chris J.M. Bartels, A Qader Fakhri, M. Hamed Shams, Raymond P. Briscoe, Bram E.C. Schreuder

in this publication, the impact of services provided by paravets through Veterinary Field Units (VFUs) is quantified for mortality and offtake of sheep and goats in Herat province. In this province, the Dutch Committee for Afghanistan (DCA) has trained and supported paravets since the early 1990's.

OIE Publication 2017 ISBN: 978-92-95108-25-7

Risk analysis on incursion of exotic FMD viruses into Southeast Asia.

Bartels, C., Afonso, J., Sieng, S., McLaws, M.

This publication is the result of a risk analysis study into the risks of exotic FMD viruses incursion into Southeast Asia, assigned by the SEACFMD - OIE subregional representative in Bangkok - Thailand. See for more details under PCP-FMD - Project Management

Publication by the FAO-OIE FMD Working Group

Foot and mouth disease vaccination and post-vaccination monitoring


Editors: Samia Metwally and Susanne Munstermann

Authors: Giancarlo Ferrari, David Paton Serrgio Duffy, Chris Bartels, Theo Knight-Jones

The choice and successful implementation of the appropriate vaccine and vaccination regimens are affected by many dynamic factors. Furthermore, vaccination is unlikely to succeed unless supported by other complementary control measures. Therefore, the entire process of vaccine selection and vaccination must be continuously monitored and evaluated to ensure that it fulfills its objectives and contributes to sustainable control of FMD.

This document intends to help guide this process. It reviews the options available for vaccine selection and vaccination strategies and presents methodology to check that a potential vaccine is able to provide a protective immune response and that the implemented vaccination programme has translated this into a protective level of population immunity.

© 2020 Animal Health Works

C. J. M. Bartels

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