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PCP-FMD: Progressive Control Pathway for Foot-and-Mouth disease.

The Progressive Control Pathway for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PCP-FMD) is a framework approach to FMD control. It now (2018 onwards) has GfTADs assessed Stages 0 to 4 and 2 OIE evaluated Statuses, supporting endemically-infected countries to improve FMD control step by step.
It is recognised as the approach for FMD control in the FAO/OIE developed Global Strategy for FMD control.
For an update on the 2nd edition of the PCP-FMD guidelines, click here
Animal Health Works is involved with the development of the PCP-FMD, its application, provides training and facilitates meetings, and implement projects directly related to progressive control of FMD.
Projects and activities
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